TypeSenior Doe
CDCB IDNDUSA000002246889
ADGA IDD002246889
Notes/Description Patty is a promising doe. We were only able to milk test her dam for a few times before drying her off. We lost her dam, Hadley in 2022 shortly after kidding. Patty is shy with strangers, but likes pets from "her people". Patty has easy to express teats and once her daughter was sold, she did well on the milk stand.
LA score @ 2-04: GVVV 86


Date Freshening Sire Bucks Does Notes
4/22/2023 2 FAR NORTH FARM TWIX 0 1



Lactation Age DIM Milk (Lbs) Fat (Lbs) Fat (Percent) Protein (Lbs) Protein (Percent)
1 0-11 286 416.00 25.00 6.00% 18.00 4.30%
2 1--11 488 885.00 56.00 6.30% 41.00 4.60%

305 DHI Totals

Lactation Milk (Lbs) Fat (Lbs) Protein (Lbs)
2 597.00 37.00 28.00

DHI Graph

DHI Records

Date Lactation DIM Milk (Lbs) Fat (Percent) Protein (Percent)
5/15/2022 1 22 2.70 4.50% 3.50%
6/25/2022 1 63 2.10 4.10% 3.70%
7/29/2022 1 97 1.50 6.80% 4.10%
8/18/2022 1 117 1.20 6.90% 4.60%
10/18/2022 1 178 1.10 7.70% 5.20%
11/16/2022 1 207 1.20 8.00% 4.90%
12/17/2022 1 238 1.00 9.50% 5.50%
1/13/2023 1 265 0.90 7.80% 5.30%
2/2/2023 1 285 0.60 8.00% 5.40%
5/17/2023 2 26 3.00 4.20% 3.40%
6/20/2023 2 60 2.90 4.10% 3.60%
7/21/2023 2 91 2.20 5.50% 3.80%
9/20/2023 2 152 1.60 6.00% 4.90%
10/27/2023 2 189 1.60 6.80% 5.20%
12/1/2023 2 224 1.50 6.90% 5.10%
1/14/2024 2 268 0.00
2/11/2024 2 296 1.40 7.40% 4.90%
3/31/2024 2 345 1.60 7.20% 4.80%
5/16/2024 2 391 1.60 7.60% 4.50%
6/30/2024 2 436 1.70 6.20% 3.90%
7/28/2024 2 464 1.50 7.10% 4.50%