TypeSenior Doe
CDCB IDNDUSA000001876178
ADGA IDD001876178
Notes/Description Marigold was our first doe that we put on test in 2019. Marigold has easy to express teats and did well for us on extended lactation. She is chock-full of personality and does everything on "Marigold time". She is laid back, loves scratches and demands extra treats every time she is on the milk stand. She scored well with LA despite being dry.
LA score @ 6-05 (Dry): VEEV 89


Date Freshening Sire Bucks Does Notes
2/7/2019 1 CASTLE ROCK ARCTIC ICE *B 2 0
4/27/2021 2 SILVERAURORA AD LAERTES 2 1 Bucks wethered
5/7/2022 3 ANATEVKA FARMS JF THEODORE *B 1 2 Buck wethered



Lactation Age DIM Milk (Lbs) Fat (Lbs) Fat (Percent) Protein (Lbs) Protein (Percent)
1 1-10 726 1318.00 96.00 7.30% 73.00 5.50%
2 4-01 375 946.00 56.00 5.90% 48.00 5.10%
3 5-01 165 476.00 20.00 4.20% 21.00 4.40%

305 DHI Totals

Lactation Milk (Lbs) Fat (Lbs) Protein (Lbs)
1 658.00 44.00 35.00
2 902.00 52.00 44.00

DHI Graph

DHI Records

Date Lactation DIM Milk (Lbs) Fat (Percent) Protein (Percent)
4/24/2019 1 77 2.80 6.00% 5.00%
6/3/2019 1 117 2.40 5.30% 5.10%
7/7/2019 1 151 2.30 6.20% 4.80%
7/26/2019 1 170 1.90 6.30% 5.00%
8/18/2019 1 193 2.10 6.50% 5.10%
9/29/2019 1 235 1.30 8.90% 6.40%
10/19/2019 1 255 1.70 8.70% 6.00%
12/1/2019 1 298 1.20 9.90% 6.40%
1/4/2020 1 332 1.70 8.80% 5.80%
2/1/2020 1 360 1.70 6.70% 4.80%
2/28/2020 1 387 1.60 7.90% 5.60%
3/23/2020 1 411 1.80 7.60% 5.60%
4/21/2020 1 440 2.00 6.70% 5.00%
5/25/2020 1 474 1.60 6.70% 4.90%
6/21/2020 1 501 1.60 6.50% 4.90%
7/13/2020 1 523 1.80 7.00% 5.20%
8/11/2020 1 552 1.60 8.40% 5.40%
9/22/2020 1 594 1.50
10/18/2020 1 620 1.50 9.90% 6.90%
11/29/2020 1 662 1.60 9.90% 8.10%
5/19/2021 2 23 4.50 4.30% 4.00%
6/15/2021 2 50 3.90 4.40% 4.10%
7/14/2021 2 79 4.10 4.10% 4.30%
8/9/2021 2 105 3.70 4.90% 4.50%
9/20/2021 2 147 2.80 6.60% 5.30%
10/26/2021 2 183 2.20 7.90% 5.60%
12/7/2021 2 225 2.30 7.50% 5.70%
1/14/2022 2 263 2.00 6.90% 5.50%
2/10/2022 2 290 2.10 6.60% 5.00%
3/5/2022 2 313 0.70 9.90% 7.70%
6/25/2022 3 50 3.60 3.90% 4.10%
7/29/2022 3 84 2.90 4.40% 4.40%
8/18/2022 3 104 2.50 4.20% 4.60%
5/16/2024 4 64 2.90 5.10% 4.20%
6/30/2024 4 109 2.50 7.40% 4.30%
7/28/2024 4 137 2.30 6.60% 4.60%
8/31/2024 4 171 1.70 9.10% 5.90%
9/26/2024 4 197 1.30 7.80% 5.90%
10/27/2024 4 228 1.40 6.60% 6.00%
12/6/2024 4 268 1.00 7.40% 5.90%
12/30/2024 4 292 0.80 6.40% 6.20%