TypeSenior Doe
CDCB IDNDUSA000002342530
ADGA IDD002342530
Notes/Description Betty is one of our favorite goat kids from 2022. She had a rough start and needed to be tube fed for the first 24hours of life. This led to her becoming the snuggle buddy that she is today.


Date Freshening Sire Bucks Does Notes
3/12/2024 1 ANATEVKA FARMS H HATCH 1 1


DHI Graph

DHI Records

Date Lactation DIM Milk (Lbs) Fat (Percent) Protein (Percent)
5/16/2024 1 66 2.30 5.60% 4.50%
6/30/2024 1 111 1.80 5.10% 3.90%
7/28/2024 1 139 1.50 6.10% 5.20%
8/31/2024 1 173 1.30 7.60% 5.60%
9/26/2024 1 199 0.60 8.10% 5.90%